I made a desk calendar using lots of different stamps and Tim Holtz design papers. The holder is made from heavy card board that I cut, glued, painted and decorated with design paper. The calendar pages are made from black cardstock, then some decorated white cardstock and finally the monthly calendar itself. I screwed on four knobs under the holder, so it would come up a bit and be steady.

Alla månader är dekorerade olika, jag valde färger och stämpelmotiv baserat på vilken månad det gällde. Distress stains som man duttar hårt med på pappret ger läckra "blobbar".
Every month is decorated individually, choosing stamps and colors depending on which month I was making. Distress stains leaves really cool "splashes".

Varje månad har fått en flik (utstansad med en Tim Holtz die) och ett litet ord som jag tyckte passade in. Orden är stickers från ett mycket användbart häfte från Advantus.
Every month also got a tab (punched from a Tim Holtx die) and a small word that I figured fitted with the month. The words are from a really nice stickers pad from Advantus.

Och här är hela året utlagt i sin härlighet ... :)
And here is the full year in all its glory ... :)

Närbild av de fina blommorna som pryder framsidan av kalenderhållaren. Platinum stickles passar så bra till "vintage" känslan!
A closeup of the beautiful flowers I used as decoration on the front of the calender holder. Platinum stickles just adds on to that vintage feel!

Materials used:
Design paper: From paper pad TH92825 Lost and Found
Stamps: Gran S379F, Brev från Toscana S303K, EZR072 Nordpolen, Blomma S601D, Ax S738E, Blomsiluette K1150E, Fladdermus K1119C, Blad K1131I, Järnek EZR025, Snowflake OM737A, Flourish and rose CS737, OM790 Splash
Inks: Distress stains, Distress ink pads
Decorations: Stickles Platinum SGG002, GP65084 Stickers Market
Flowers: ROS122 Offwhite knopp, GAR005 Gardenia Amethyst
Die: SAL657188 Tiny tabs & tags
Love, DT-Ulrika
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